Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What I dislike about flying Alone

I'm a squirmer. To others I probably look diseased because I cannot sit still. But if its someone I know they realize its just my constant over caffenation.

I like comfort. 
I'm glad some folks can travel fashionably but I am not one of them
I prefer Mortality and Rainbows. Today I am also rocking a lovely Brad Paisley concert tee. Usually my travel partners look equally as sloppy as I.

I like to have someone with me so I can justify buying the $5 economy sized bag of M&Ms.

Magazine / book trades and discussions are also much mote insightful when they occur with someone other than an imaginary friend.

I'm a talker but completely and utterly incapable of making small talk with strangers so I am the one who gets caught awkwardly staring without realizing that I am doing it.

Carrying my own luggage is a struggle. I am pint sized and incapable of putting things in the overhead bin. Today I had to carry my 40lbs of checked baggage down 3 flights of stairs. Not a glorious moment.

I should not be permitted to travel alone I am a hazard to myself and others.


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