Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Where Do You Find God?

Laura at Along for the Ride has this wonderful link up [where do you find God]
Everyday we find and experience God in some of the most unlikely places. 

Each year I find God in Montgomery, AL
in the eyes of children. 

Our church along with a few others, partner with the Community of H.O.P.E church in Montgomery, AL.
H.O.P.E.= Helping Others Prepare for Eternity.
Our trips send us to one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the state.
I don't know if anyone has ever been to South Alabama in late July but let's just say 
I've seen the devil walk around sweating.
Heat index of 110, 100% humidity
we pile off the buses at 8:00am and start planning for the day.
we are greeted by open arms

after several years of going we have bonded with the community 
and have been given protection, so to speak
In the past we have faced adversity from adults in the area.
They do not like for us to speak to the teenage boys,
because many are at an age whether they either have to break away and
choose a new life or join a gang to "survive"
we are providing HOPE for these boys and showing them another way
On my first trip we sent the guys from our Youth group to go start a game of basketball.
That afternoon they came running up shouting "We Won FIVE!"
We thought they meant games,
We were wrong.
They WON FIVE lives.
Five young men gave their lives to Christ that day.
In a gym, during a water break on a Thursday afternoon.

quickly the whole community saw that we were there to share love
we help by providing groceries, clothing, and ministering to the children and all adults that will come around.
and the highlight of the trip is always on Saturday.
We hand out backpacks, lots of backpacks
Full of school supplies. 
Some of these children have never started school with a backpack,
much less one that is full of school supplies
they protect the crayons, paper, and pencils as if they are precious gems,
because to those children they are.
 We also hand out Bibles to anyone that wants one. 
Usually we try to use it as an opportunity to read the Bible with them as well.
Once I sent a Bible home with a child, and he carried it with him the entire time we were there.
He said it was the only book they had at home, and his mom had been reading it to at night, 
and his older brother wanted one too!
His older brother's name was Titus, 
He read the book of Titus.
Can you imagine reading the Bible for the first time and seeing this:
"4 To Titus, my true son in our common faith:
Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior
- Titus 1:4
We know when we read the Bible, God is speaking to us.
But can you imagine actually seeing your name, I think I would take it to heart even more. 

I know in other countries/ areas people are in greater need. 
But any ministry that adds to God's Kingdom is equally important. 
It breaks our hearts when we pull away on Saturday.
We have kids climb on the vans and chase us down the street. 
Its a 4 hour drive home and its the most somber 4 hours ever.
Imagine two van loads of normally energetic youth, in silence
We find God when we look in their eyes,
when we share our testimonies,
when we hear the stories of salvation
when we lead someone to Christ.
We keep in close contact with many of the other mission team members, and area churches
we really find God when we receive updates of new church memberships,
and the continued outreach that is occurring in a community that we have grown to love,
support, and defend as if it was our own.
Why? because when we are there they become part of Our family. 

'When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
- Matthew 9: 36-38


Ami Allison said...

WOW! This is beautiful, touching and joyous. What a wonderful testimony. :)

Owl Things First said...

Love this post! I started blogging about birds, but ended up blogging about seeing God through creation! That may have cost me some followers, but I'm following Christ! I found you on the hop!
Owl Things First
and I'd Rather be Birding

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