Thursday, January 6, 2011

Better Late than Next Year.

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Okay so this challenge was to be started on December 1 and completed December 31 well...... I forgot. Just plain ol forgot. So now I am doing what I do best. Playing Catch up.

December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)

Redeeming.  In 2010 I have struggled in every facet of my life.  I have felt hopeless spiritually and rediscovered my faith.  I have given up and shut down mentally only to uncover a fresh perspective.  I fell in love with my HIT all over again and unveiled what I love about him most.

December 2 – Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it? (Author: Leo Babauta)

Literally every part of my life is void of a contribution to my writing.

December 3 – Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). (Author: Ali Edwards) 

Until New Years Eve I could have said with confidence that it was the 4th of July when my HIT purposed, BUT New Year's Eve brought my back to life.  I was experiencing my first visit to Disneyworld.  We had been there for 14 hours on very little sleep.  As we were getting ready for the fireworks show the artificial snow began to fall and HIT and I held each other as we realized that was the last time we would spend NYE as an engaged couple.  The year of our wedding was finally here.  Everyone else (all 150,000 of them) faded away and I honestly felt as if I just melted into him and we were completely one again.  It is a feeling I have been missing for so long.  The euphoria from that moment is still carrying me on even though we are apart.  I hope to have that feeling and that depth of love every time I look at him for the rest of my life.  I was created to love, that was God's purpose for me. I have never felt more fulfilled than in that moment staring my future dead in the eye and embracing it.

December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (Author: Jeffrey Davis) 
I have spent the greater part of 2010 in the presence of true life angels.  I also like to call those angels my students.  As I work with each group I always try to see the world through there eyes.  First grade was one of the biggest blessings I received.  Their sense of wonder transferred into my life.  I began looking at life with the innocence of a child.  If you want to experience your life the way it was intended that is the way to go.  Back to the thoughts from before your mind was jaded. Its blissful.

December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley)  
Of expectations. I have spent the past 21.5 years trying to please others and be perfect for them. Now it is about me.  In another sense I have Let Go in general.  after watching Black Swan  I really gave thought to the idea of loosening up and not taking every day so seriously.  I only have one life why not enjoy it rather than sitting back worrying about it?  LET GO that is a goal for 2011.



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