Wednesday, May 11, 2011

ten on tuesday- wednesday edition

 Fun link up with Kim @ It's a Crafty Life

1.  I don't think I would ever survive a job that involved lots of travel.  I am flying to Myrtle Beach for a job interview, spending a week, flying back staying a week, leaving for a cruise for a week, returning to Alabama for two days then flying back to Myrtle Beach for another week. There is only a one hour time difference, and I already have jet lag. 

2. ungratefulness makes me irate. I have seen a lot of it lately and very soon I will be blowing up.

3. I really WANT to be dedicated to my blog but... I' m lazy

4. This made my day:  I love Despicable ME

5. With all this travel I sure will miss this little Booger. He is going to be so confused when he finally gets "home" after all this shuffling around.

6.  I hope I get over censoring myself here. I am much more entertaining unfiltered.

7. Even though I am excited and thankful for my trip to Mexico at the end of the month, I really wish Scotty was going.  I love sister time,Emily and I always have fun but its still not the same at the end of the night when I am waking to my room alone.  I will not be dancing, holding hands on the beach, no late night kisses under the sunset.  Eh,,,, next time.  Ironically enough right after our 1 year Anniversary we went on our first cruise together.  He told me that we would be married before our next cruise.  Well the next year I went without him, Last year he went without me, and this year I am going solo again.  He was right, the next time we cruise together we will be married.

8. I am diving in to my preparations for Vacation Bible School. Its not until late June but I have 6546546 other things going on so I am starting now.  I am really enjoying the study plan. I begrudgingly took on the Youth class, but I think I am really going to enjoy it.  My thought process was that they know me and are comfortable with me already, plus I'm only 5-7 years older than them.  I'm relatable.

9. I am feeling pretty proud of the way my parents chose to raise me right about now.
"A testement to the selflessness of my mother: today she is not sitting back being spoiled with lavish gifts. She is wearing work gloves sorting through others homes and delivering meals. One of the most import lessons she has taught me. We may not have much but we have enough to give back."
True story my parents are not perfect by any means, but they got the high points across to me.
- always give back all you can
- never look down on anyone
- be thankful always for the smallest gestures
- always send thank you cards
- go to church
- say i love you
- never leave the house without saying bye, you may not come back

10. I should have been writing a cover letter for my resume. But this was way better.


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